What is THC Lean?

What is THC Lean?

From Syrup to THC

You're all familiar with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the molecule that provides the psychotropic effects attributed to cannabis, but have you ever heard of "Lean"?

THC lean or Syrup THC or Weed lean is simply another way of naming Syrup with THC. The idea is to use the high cannabinoid concentration of Syrups to feel the psychotropic effects more quickly - yes, the body assimilates liquids faster than solids.

Lean was originally democratized in the United States by rappers who used lean composed of promethazine and codeine. However, this opiate-infused drink has acquired a bad reputation following numerous overdoses... and rightly so!

Conversely, THC lean is composed exclusively of the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. So don't worry, you'll only feel the classic effects of cannabis. But be careful with dosage! Generally speaking, Syrups with THC is highly concentrated, so you'll need to calculate your concoction carefully according to the strength you're looking for.

How is THC lean manufactured?

Shatter (a highly aromatic and potent cannabis extract) is taken, dissolved in alcohol, to which Syrup agave is added, and then heated to remove the ethanol. The result is a syrupy substance known as "lean".

How to use THC lean?

Lean is a Syrup, so it's easy to use. Like a classic Syrup , you mix it with the drink of your choice, such as a cold soft drink with ice cubes, and off you go.

It's the dosage you need to be careful about! As explained above, THC lean is highly concentrated, with Hipuffy containing up to 200mg of THC per bottle. So, if you're not used to this type of product, take it really easy, or you'll be flying high...



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